Extra Car Rental Collision Insurance: When to Buy When Not to Buy

Navigating insurance and related paper work might not necessarily be hard. This being said, it isn’t exactly everyone’s piece of cake either. Many clients and customers looking for car rentals are often baffled by insurance options as well as how necessary these may be.
Statistically speaking, the number of people using car rental services in the U.S. is on a steady rise. If you’re one of the many who have taken to using car rental services frequently or if you’re someone visiting from out of state or country looking to rent a car, insurance will come up. The question is, should you go for it, more specifically; should you invest in extra car rental collision insurance?

To Buy or Not to Buy 

The thing is there certain situations where buying extra car rental insurance is highly advised and others where you could do without it just as well. We’re going to go over both! 

Not Required

Here are some situations where additional collision insurance may not be required.

Already Own a Car/Insurance

If you already own a vehicle, there are situations where collision insurance may be extended to cover the vehicle you are renting. In this situation, you will however need to connect with your insurance company and determine for certain what kind of insurance you own and what your policy entails. 

Credit Card Payment

This does not hold valid for any and all credit card types and payments but could depending on your service provider and card privileges. If collision insurance is part of the payment being made or offered alongside it, you’re in the clear. Again, you would need to check with your carrier or Credit Card Company in order to find out if such privileges are available to you.

May Be Required

There are some situations however where investing in collision insurance for your rental might be a good idea. These include:
· If you’re travelling from outside the U.S.
· If you aren’t a vehicle owner and hence insurance that goes along
· Your insurance policy isn’t broad based and only covers the vehicle in your name
· You hire or rent a luxury car
· You’re splitting the bill between two credit cards
In the situations listed above as well as certain others, it makes sense to go for additional collision insurance to keep things hassle free under any circumstances.

It’s On You Really

At the end of the day, whether or not you invest in car rental collision insurance it really is up to you. Insurance can make things simpler in the case of an accidental collision however if you feel your driving skills as well as the environment is one where you’re likely not to get into a collision fair enough!
Though many car rental companies insist on clients purchasing extra/additional collision insurance, there are companies that are very flexible with their terms and conditions.
Orange Rent A Car is a car rental company offering clients and customers luxury vehicles for hire in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and surrounding areas in Florida.  


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