Miami Car Rental 101: What you need to Know

If you’re coming down to Miami to soak in some sunlight and warm weather, you might be wondering if or not you should go for a car rental service. Personally we feel places like Miami are exactly the sort where; having your own wheels allows you to see, do and experience more than you would on foot or using public transport.

What You Need to Know About Car Rental in Miami

 Below are a few pointers for those of you planning to visit Miami who are considering car rental as a transport option.

Rent on Arrival

If you did not make prior rental arrangements, you will be pleased to know that most car rental companies based in Miami have outlets at or extremely close to the airport. This way, all you need to do is visit the rental office outlet as soon as you arrive.
Of course, airport rental prices may sometimes vary. Further, if you’re renting for the airport, you might not always get the car you want.

Additional Damage Insurance

If you’re traveling from within the U.S. and are not rushed in any way, this is something you may be able to forego. Alternatively, if you’re on holiday from the U.K., the Middle East, Ukraine or any other place outside of the U.S., or are on a business trip that leaves you tied for time, damage insurance is advised.

This is because in case of any kind of accident where the car is damaged, you know you’re covered and you don’t have to worry about compensation or extra costs. In this way, opting for additional damage insurance might be a good idea.

Road Rules & Tolls

If you’re planning on driving a rental in Miami, it really helps to give the existing traffic rules a read through. You don’t want to break laws without realizing them as the same could result in heavy fines. What you want to do is be clear on the Miami traffic rule basics before you get behind the wheel.
Further, if you’re planning on driving past Miami into other parts of Florida, you can opt to pay your toll charges all at once or as you go.


You do need to pay for parking in many parts of Miami so make sure you carry some change with you for it!

The Upshot

As we said, Miami is the kind of place where it makes perfect sense to go for car rental. That way you’re more mobile and get to take in a lot more than you would in any other case!
Orange Rent A Car is a car rental company offering clients and customers luxury vehicles for hire in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and surrounding areas in Florida.  


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